Concentrated, Consolidated and Clear

Concentrated, Consolidated and Clear

We built a brand to establish focus. As an established management consulting firm serving a niche industry, BTG still experienced difficulty articulating its value. The firm’s work impacted several distinct audiences in different ways, and it offered a myriad of services on each engagement. With messaging that attempted to cater to all audiences – covering every corner of how BTG can add value – the brand story had become diluted and muddled. We partnered with a cross-section of the staff team and interviewed clientele to best understand service lines and prioritize audiences. These insights shaped the development of a refined brand system and business strategy that consolidated service lines into overarching solution offerings, repositioned the tagline and messaging to attract only the primary audience group, and redesigned the visual identity and website to align with the niche industry served. In addition, we developed complementary yet distinct branding for the firm’s philanthropic arm – an emerging foundation that designs and delivers educational programming in underserved communities.