
From Established to Emerging

From Established to Emerging

We built a brand to leverage an established reputation and debut a new market position. This consulting firm provides outsourced accounting and research programs for nonprofits, associations and their affiliates. At the time of engaging in a partnership with us, the firm was operating under another brand and was preparing to separate its divisions from this company as a new employee-owned firm. The staff team and service offerings would remain unchanged – promising a consistent level of exceptional service to existing and new clientele. With an amicable separation driving the new firm’s launch in just 3 months, we knew it would be important to transfer certain identity and messaging elements to a new brand system, in order to communicate a level of comfort and stability to audiences. We worked swiftly to ideate with the firm’s owners team, interview stakeholders, and conduct market research to develop a brand name, messaging framework, visual identity and website that conveyed the firm’s promise to advance client missions, provide a reliable level of structural support, and guarantee the secure handling of sensitive and confidential information.